Indiana Rise Basketball

Indiana Rise Basketball FAQ
Question: What is AAU?
Answer: AAU stands for Amateur Athletic Union. AAU basketball gives your child the option to play up to 40 more games a year than with just in-town, travel or high school basketball alone. All AAU teams are divided up into Elite, A, B and C levels.
Question: Will you be aged based or grade based?
Answer: We will be aged based. For example: An athlete can be no older than 11 on August 31, 2015 to play 11& under.
Question: What is Team Rise?
Answer: Team Rise was started in 2015 with players from Nationally ranked teams. Our goal is to become one of the largest and most successful AAU programs in the Indianapolis, IN area.
Question: What ages and genders does Team Rise cater to?
Answer: For boys, Team Rise has teams at all levels from grades 2-12 and for girls, the Lady Team Rise has teams at all levels from grades 3-11.
Question: Is it required that my child attend both tryouts?
Answer: It is not required that you attend both tryouts but you must attend at least one. Obviously it is more beneficial if you make both tryouts but it is in no way required or hurts your chances of making the team. If you cannot make either tryout or know you may be missing one please let John Louden know by emailing him at
Question: How much travel is involved?
Answer: Travel depends on coach, age and level. Some teams will play all of their tournaments in the Indianapolis area and some teams will play a few tournaments across the state, region or country. Each AAU team will have the option to play in 4-5 exposure tournaments such as the King James Classic, Nationals, Etc..
Question: How do you evaluate players to ensure each player gets a fair tryout experience?
Answer: We overstaff our tryouts to make sure all of our selections for teams are as accurate as possible. We have a main tryout coordinator who will oversee the tryouts, a coach on each court to help with drills, an evaluator on each court and the coach of the A and B team at that specific level. We start with drills that measure individual talent before moving onto scrimmage situations for gameplay
Question: What type of commitment do you need if my son/daughter makes a team
Answer: Every coach/situation is different. We understand things come up, multiple sports and children often cause conflicts. However to get the most out of your AAU experience with us, it is important that your child attend as many practices and games as possible. We ask that you let your coach know at the beginning of the season what your conflicts may be so realistic expectations can be set.
Question: When/Where will practices be?
Answer: Practice times for all ages will vary from 6-9 pm. Each team will typically practice twice a week. You will be informed by your Coach where your practice location will be.
Question: How will players be selected?
Answer: At the tryout, our staff will evaluate and place players where we feel they will develop and contribute best.
Question: How many practices are there a week?
Answer: Each team practices twice a week
Question: When will I be notified if my son/daughter made a team or not?
Answer: Our “A” level teams will be notified within 6 hours after the completion of their final tryout. “B” level teams will be notified within 24 hours after the completion of their final tryout
Question: How much does it cost to play for the Team Rise?
Answer: $550 for the season without IU Health Sports Training
$750 with IU Health Sports Training.
Question: How do I make payments for the Team Rise season?
Answer: we will announce a "uniform fitting" night where players who have been selected to a team will come in to try on uniforms and at that time a 50% deposit is required. Following that payment, when uniforms are handed out you must provide the remaining 50% of the payment to Team Rise.
Question: What benefits do I receive by being a member of Team Rise?
Answer: Besides your 10-12 tournaments, 2 practices per week & the potential weekly skills clincs…your child also gets two Adidas uniforms (home and away), Adidas shooter shirt, Adidas backpack, Adidas shoes, Adidas socks, Adidas sweat suit, and discounts at all camps, clinics and private lessons.
Question: Who can I contact with any additional questions?
Craig Curtis, Managing Director,